Friday, September 5, 2014

The Pigeon Needs a Bath! words and pictures by Mo Willems


Willems, Mo. The Pigeon Needs a Bath! Ill. by Mo Willems. New York: Hyperion Books or Children, 2014. ISBN 9781423190875

Plot Summary:

The Pigeon doesn't want to take a bath and makes all kinds of excuses to avoid it. The flies buzzing around him tell him he smells and that he needs to take a bath. He finally relents and agrees to take a bath (with lots of excuses!). Once in the bathtub, he realizes taking a bath is really fun!

Critical Analysis:

The Pigeon is such a lovable and funny character. I love him and I know why kids love him too! His behavior is typical of children who would read and enjoy this book. The conflict revolves around the pigeon not wanting to take a bath and this would be quite relate-able to young children. The story has a logical sequence of events with an ending that will encourage children to take a bath. A bathroom with a tub is the setting. Time is indicated by the use of bold print declaring "TEN HOURS LATER" along with many small illustrations. The use of onomatopoeia (a word that mimics the sound of the object or action it refers to) is an effective style device along with the Pigeon's unique voice. The illustrations move the story along and add so many details to the text.

I read The Pigeon Needs a Bath!,  The Pigeon Finds A Hot Dog!, and I'm a Frog! to Kindergartners, 1st graders, and 2nd graders...they loved all three!!!

Review Excerpts:
  • From Publishers Weekly-"The Pigeon's cockeyed defiance and Willems's impeccable comedic timing are as fun and frisky as ever."
  • From Kirkus Reviews-"All the elements are in place, including page backgrounds that modulate from dirty browns to fresh, clean colors and endpapers that bookend the story (including a very funny turnabout for the duckling, here a rubber bath toy). Willems's formula is still a winner."
  • From Common Sense Media-"The knowing context makes this a highly relatable story that kids and parents will love. A great bedtime read."
  • From This Kid Reviews Books-"Like all other Mo Willems’ books, I found myself reading this a couple of times over already. His books never get old! Five out of five bookworms – and get that Pigeon a bath!!!"
  • From Booklist Review-"Pigeon's many followers will be plenty happy with this latest offering, while parents of reluctant bathers will welcome its surreptitious endorsement." 

Gather other books written by Mo Willems to read such as:
Knuffle Bunny: A Cautinary Tale ISBN 9780786818709
That is Not a Good Idea  ISBN 9781406355581
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus  ISBN 9780786819881
Don't Let the Pigeon Stay up Late! ISBN 9780786837465

Play Dirty, Dirty Pigeon:  Play just like Duck, Duck Goose except the children say "dirty" and then "pigeon" when they chose who they want to chase them.

Students make the Pigeon out of construction paper adding paint with a sponge for "dirt." They then write a sentence or two about pigeons or about why they like or don't like taking baths.

Make the Pigeon out of a toilet paper tube; students cut out pieces (, glue various pieces to tube, and you have a pigeon!

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